Frequently asked questions

What platforms is Kinetic available for?
Kinetic is currently available in the Apple App Store on iPhone and iPad. We plan to release a Mac version of the app in the near future. In the meantime, Kinetic is available on Mac devices using Apple Silicon (i.e. M1/M2 devices).
Is Kinetic available for Android or Windows?
Not at this time. Our current focus is to create the best possible experience for our users on Apple devices. We do plan to release a web app at some point in the future, but we don't have a definitive release date at this time.
How much does Kinetic cost to use?
Kinetic is available as a free download through the Apple App Store. The full app is available for free without the need to sign up for a free trial or commit in any way. A subscription is required once you hit the usage limits dictated in the app. You can view these limits by navigating to Settings > Subscription in the Kinetic app.
Do you offer an education discount for Students?
We do offer a discount to students and teachers who are actively enrolled at an academic institution. This application process is manual, so please reach out to us to request this special pricing. Please be prepared to provide proof of active enrollment. You can request this pricing by emailing us
Can I invite team members to access my content?
Yes. Workspaces are shared spaces where you can collaborate with your friends, family, or team. You can create a new Workspace by clicking on your avatar in the top left corner of the Home page. This will reveal your available Workspaces. Click the plus button in the Workspaces section to create a new Workspace.

To invite team members, navigate to Settings > Workspace Settings and click on the Workspace you'd like to share. You can start sharing by clicking the Invite Members button.
Can I request a new feature for Kinetic?
Please do! We welcome any feedback and feature requests. Please let us know what we can do to improve your experience with Kinetic. You can contact us at Please consider following us on Twitter as well to be notified of new features as they're released. @KineticFocusApp
Knowledge Base
How do I track the time of a task I'm working on?
Click on the task you want to work on and click the play button located to the right of the time worked label. You must assign a difficulty to a task in order to start tracking your time. When clicking the play button you'll be prompted to assign a difficulty if you haven't already.
How do I change the name of an existing Folder?
Long press on the Folder preview to reveal a context menu with actions that can be performed. Click the Edit Folder option. On a Mac you can right click the notebook to reveal this option.
How do I add a task quickly?
On iPad and Mac you can click Command + T to create a new task at any time. You can also click the plus button on the toolbar at the top.

On iOS you can tap the toolbar from any screen to quickly add a task to your inbox. You can also drag the toolbar to your desired location for more precise control over where you want to insert a task.

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